Headding for baggage claim
Dan Minnick, Jill's uncle and Barbie's father, in front of his house in Gilbert, AZ (a suberb of Phoenix).
Dan Minnick, Jill's uncle and Barbie's father, in front of his house in Gilbert, AZ (a suberb of Phoenix).
Number 10 on Nick's quest to be photoed in front of each of the 50 capitol buildings.
Barbie and Nick sitting outside of Chapel of the Holly Cross. The house in the background has been under construction for over two years, Nick says.
Nick, Barbie, and Jill at the old Twin Arrows on old Rt. 66. They are almost completely gone now.
It used to be a musem for meteors (500 meteors from all over the world); from the tower, you could see into meteor crater. Cost for entry into the musem was $0.25 per person. Cost to see the crater today is $15.00 per person! You won't see any photos of the crater on this blog.
Barbie, Jill and me standing on the corner. Complete with the Eagles playing in the background!